To My Future Husband

To My Future Husband,

Thank you.

We may or may not already know each other, but I already know you are a wonderful, Christ-driven man. You've already given me such amazing gifts of patience, purity, and love. For that, I can't thank you enough.

I think about you everyday. I think about where you live, what school you go to, what your family is like, and how your relationship with the Lord is. I pray that you are doing what you love, and making the right decisions to get there or to reach to your full potential. I pray that you are keeping the Lord a main focus in your life and in everything you do. I pray that you are choosing to save yourself for the right time. Lastly, I pray that you are doing what I'm doing by continually growing your relationship with God and putting your full trust in him.

If there's anything I would want you to know about me right now, it would be these things:

1. I am probably the most emotional woman you will ever meet. I cry at almost anything! I could be feeling joyful, angry, embarrassed, ecstatic, you name it. Chances are, I will probably cry.

2. My extended families, Biller and Ahlberg, are huge. Like, not just 10 cousins huge, like, 20+ cousins huge...on each side. My Biller and Ahlberg families are also 100% complete opposites. Like, night and day. You'll understand someday. But they are both the most loving, humble, and welcoming people you will ever meet. Both sides will welcome you with open arms (yes, we love hugs) and will be anxious to hear about your life. Be ready!

3. I can't promise you much, like having a high paying job, or that I'll be the quietest all the time, or that I'll always be pleasant to be around. But I can promise you that through thick and thin, I will do whatever it takes to show you that I love you unconditionally. 

I may not say the right things at the right time, or at the right time say the right things. I promise to be true to you and our future children now and forever. I promise to continue to work at my relationship with the Lord and become closer to him. I promise to support you in every decision you make, no matter where it leads us. I promise to keep my vow of purity and to run from temptation. I promise to never give up to you or our marriage, even if it get's rocky.

I will never stop praying for you or for the day when we get to meet, face to face, for the first time. I pray that God will bless our relationship from that day forward. I pray that we both keep the Lord the center of our relationship and help grow together through Him. Lastly, I promise to love you, from this day forward, until we are in God's arms together.

"Therefore, a man shall leave his father and mother, and be joined with his wife, and they shall become one." -Genesis 2:24

Thank you for giving me unconditional love and hope in meeting you someday. I can't wait to meet you. Keep doing what you're doing, and continue to live out your faith. Keep God the center of your life, and never lose trust in him.

Until later,

Your future wife, Mary


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