The Ultimate Gift

If any of you know me, you know that I am not afraid to say what I want to say, even if it is controversial. I believe in free speech, and take that into full consideration, for myself and others.

Going off of that, I want to talk about one specific controversial topic: SEX!

Good. Now that I have your attention, you should know this whole post isn't going to be about sex. Actually, it really won't be about sex at all. It's about the decisions we as people make to do with it.

Lately, I've noticed a higher rise in the idea of sex. An act of love between a married man and woman has been conformed into something completely different than it's original meaning. Something fifty years ago that would never be talked about, has now become part of daily conversation. But why? Why did this beautiful gift God intended for a married couple become so mainstream?

To be honest, I'm not really sure. In my eyes, it's sad to think that people are being exposed to what fake love is, especially at a young age. 

For the past week, I've been counting how many times I've been exposed to anything to do with sex. The last 7 days, I've seen countless ads for 50 Shades of Gray, seen commercials advertising a product, but using sex to sell that product, heard people's conversations or even phrases that are sexual, seen multiple posts on Facebook, Twitter, and Yik Yak, the Bachelor episode last night about "The Fantasy Suite", and seen people dress immodestly. 

These all seem negative. How about one's I believe are positive? An ad on Twitter for the websites The Porn Effect, The Chastity Project, Porn is Lame, or even LifeTeen? These all push towards chastity and saving yourself 100% completely for marriage, but even in this positive way, sex is still being commercialized.

I'm not saying sex is a bad thing. Cause it's not. It's a gift!

Ladies, think about getting that b-e-a-utiful $200 Pandora bracelet AND a dozen of roses AND a box of Godiva chocolates AND a 3 page, handwritten love letter from your boyfriend/fiance/husband. That's a pretty great gift, right?

Guys, think about getting front row seats at your favorite sport team's game including meet-and-greets with your favorite player AND a gift card to your favorite steak house AND a 12-pack of your favorite beer (if you're 21) from your girlfriend/fiance/wife. Now, I'm not a guy, but if I were to give that gift to my significant other, I'd be excited for him.

Usually, if you give a gift like that, you're in a pretty serious relationship. Those are worth a ton of money, and you wouldn't just give that away to anyone.

But, wait! If you'd wait to give that to someone who you love and think they'll stick around for a while, why give away a priceless gift and your purity to someone who isn't 100% committed to you and only you yet?

Being that sex is a beautiful gift given from God intended for a married couple, why not keep it that way?

I'm not saying that people are going to hell or are below others if they choose to have sex outside of wedlock. Who am I to judge? I'm just trying to emphasize the importance of true love and chastity until the day we are married with our spouses. Until that day, keeping your purity for you and your future spouse should be on your list of "important things to remember".

We are all called to chastity and purity. It's up to us to keep our temples of the LORD holy and preserve them for the right time, physically, spiritually, and emotionally.

Each individuals' journey's are so different. We all have our stories and individual lives. We have the ability to start over or continue our journey. God will never leave you alone and wants nothing but the best for you. So why not start your new journey now?

"For God has not called us for impurity, but in holiness." 1 Thessalonians 4:7


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