
Showing posts from 2015

Trust in the Lord

Trying to figure out what you're supposed to do for the rest of your life is super nerve wracking and quite frankly, pretty stressful. I think we all struggle with figuring out what we're supposed to major in, or where we'll live someday, but I think the biggest struggle is deciding if you are going to live the single, married, or religious life. I mean, I can't speak for everyone, but this has been the biggest worry throughout my life.  I've gone through stages when I was younger where I was convinced I was going to be a nun because of my name (Sister Mary Kathryn...sounds great, right?). But in my heart, the idea of becoming a religious sister wasn't all that pleasing. Something I knew I wanted was to get married and become a wife and mother. I pushed the idea of religious life out of my brain, and tried to replace it with things like obsessing over boys, marriage, kids, romance, and anything besides religious life. This was a huge struggle for me...

To My Freshman Roommates...

I had the honor of having TWO roommates this year. God bless them both for putting up with me. Here's a few things I'd like to thank them for... 1. Thank you for putting up with me...period. 2. Thank you for letting me fangirl over the Duggars every Tuesday from 8-9pm even though you were probably studying for your hardest class. 3. Lauren, thank you for letting me obsess over Christmas starting on November 1st. 4. Olivia, thank you for letting me sleep without the tv on. 5. Thank you for letting me toot whenever I felt the need to...even if it did smell like the brewery was located in our room. 6. Thank you for putting up me when I was moody and just being stupid. 7. Lauren, thank you for staying up with me to let me give you that pointless story about you stealing mattresses at 11:30 at night. 8. Also, thank you for letting me rearrange our room even though you weren't feeling it. 9. Olivia, thank you for letting me get us a pet fish for our room. 1...

To My Future Husband

To My Future Husband, Thank you. We may or may not already know each other, but I already know you are a wonderful, Christ-driven man. You've already given me such amazing gifts of patience, purity, and love. For that, I can't thank you enough. I think about you everyday. I think about where you live, what school you go to, what your family is like, and how your relationship with the Lord is. I pray that you are doing what you love, and making the right decisions to get there or to reach to your full potential. I pray that you are keeping the Lord a main focus in your life and in everything you do. I pray that you are choosing to save yourself for the right time. Lastly, I pray that you are doing what I'm doing by continually growing your relationship with God and putting your full trust in him. If there's anything I would want you to know about me right now, it would be these things: 1. I am probably the most emotional woman you will ever meet. I cry at almos...

The Ultimate Gift

If any of you know me, you know that I am not afraid to say what I want to say, even if it is controversial. I believe in free speech, and take that into full consideration, for myself and others. Going off of that, I want to talk about one specific controversial topic: SEX! Good. Now that I have your attention, you should know this whole post isn't going to be about sex. Actually, it really won't be about sex at all. It's about the decisions we as people make to do with it. Lately, I've noticed a higher rise in the idea of sex. An act of love between a married man and woman has been conformed into something completely different than it's original meaning. Something fifty years ago that would never be talked about, has now become part of daily conversation. But why? Why did this beautiful gift God intended for a married couple become so mainstream? To be honest, I'm not really sure. In my eyes, it's sad to think that people are being exposed ...

Call Me Miss Ahlberg

Hey everyone! Thanks for continuing to follow my blog and for the support through the whole process. It means a lot! Here it is. My "I'm only a freshman and switched my major 3 times already" story. Take a seat, get some ice cream, cause here we go. When I looked at Viterbo in October of 12th grade, I came into it for sure set on majoring in Special Education. During the visit, I was told that because of the school's small size, Spec Ed wasn't even offered. I loved Viterbo too much to not go here, so I forced myself to switch my major. I started the year in Social Work, which was amazing. The field itself is so much more than what people think it is. It was very interesting, but I knew since I am so emotional and such, I wouldn't be able to be that strong, supportive shoulder a client might need if they were to come to me for help. This led me to Religious Studies. A few months ago on Facebook, I announced I had switched my major to Religious St...