Fearfully & Wonderfully Made

Hello there! If any of you are following my fitness Instagram account {link here, in case you're wondering} , you know that I've been working hard this past year to get to a new heathy self. I'm on a program called Weight Watchers and have found tons of success with it. I've started working out regularly, eating healthier, and actually loving my body for what it is now, not what I hope for it to be. I can't tell you how many times in my life I've tried losing weight and fell off the bandwagon. Countless times. Each time, I was determined for about a week or so, lost motivation, then sunk lower than I had been before. The constant swinging of emotions was exhausting. I come from a family where both my mom and dad's sides aren't naturally petite. We love to eat, drink, and have a good time. Because of our habits and genes, we have to work at being healthy. So let me start off by saying, losing weight for someone with my genetics and habits isn't...