You Are Enough

Here I sit, at 2:18am on Friday morning, unable to fall asleep. I've had way too much on my mind lately, causing me to not get enough sleep. Is it even possible to become an insomniac within a week? If any of y'all are doctors, let me know. Although I can't sleep, I think it's a good thing. God has been putting specific thoughts on my heart for the past few weeks and I feel obligated to share. One good thing about not sleeping is being able to gather your thoughts night after night and putting them to use. So here we go: Friends, you are not your struggles. Yep. You heard me correctly. You are worth more than your own struggles and pain. So often, we run into people who struggle with a specific sin, illness, or habit, but they constantly beat themselves up for it. Why? Because the devil wants you to believe the lies he's feeding you. Whatever you do, don't ever fall into his lies. You are stronger and worth far more than any other lie or negative whisper b...