Call Me Miss Ahlberg
Hey everyone! Thanks for continuing to follow my blog and for the support through the whole process. It means a lot! Here it is. My "I'm only a freshman and switched my major 3 times already" story. Take a seat, get some ice cream, cause here we go. When I looked at Viterbo in October of 12th grade, I came into it for sure set on majoring in Special Education. During the visit, I was told that because of the school's small size, Spec Ed wasn't even offered. I loved Viterbo too much to not go here, so I forced myself to switch my major. I started the year in Social Work, which was amazing. The field itself is so much more than what people think it is. It was very interesting, but I knew since I am so emotional and such, I wouldn't be able to be that strong, supportive shoulder a client might need if they were to come to me for help. This led me to Religious Studies. A few months ago on Facebook, I announced I had switched my major to Religious St...